Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Australia's Outback has been on ancient times very fertile and productive land because there was gushing a big river from the middle to the North and from the same source down to the south 
All those times also Lemuria Mu and Atlantis  in Mu  and Autralia were the same continent. The life forms were very simple that days and what happened?

The enormous Monolite Uluru which the Aboriginal people have given to it. The Monolite came from the space just in the middle of the big river. If I think about it I had imagined that there had become an enormous lake...but no there happened many different happenings there. The river fell deep down to the earth and is flowing in the depth there now.

At the same time Australia was ripped out of the other parts of the continent. That was also time when the fauna and flora of the continent left endemic like in Australia now...just there were bigger amounts of the genesis.

Uluru has enormous electric charge in it and because of that Uluru changes colours sending knowledge to space back.

This is the most shocking color what Uluru have turned in my opinion it is quite a much different than it usually is red. It was ...if  I remember the right way....year 2005. What happened inside the enormous monolite then? It put the electric charge sending knowledge to the space. There will come time when Uluru stop being there at all but the most part of it is inside the earth. Tourists make much harm to it taking pieces of it , climbing on it and also the nature: winds, storms and natural weathering is making end of the awsome Uluru.
For me Uluru is a very important spiritual place which is only in my head because I have not been in Australia. People nowadays don't respect Uluru or other important spiritual places...they just think..."" I ask you to remember that all the powers of mother nature are billion times bigger than what harm people have done in many places of the Earth.

Leiah Sariell Copyright 2008-
Updated 2015

That's why there is often also lightnings.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


What is wrong in this map is the place of Atlantis. BUT you can see here how Australia is sa same continent to asia ant the part where it is, is MU. Lemuria has also been the came continent but. Also Lemuria, Mu and Australia were in the row and adherent into eachother and aswell in this order. Lemuria was also adherent to Asia: That was the order of them before the order changed.

Later on the continents separated from eachother and the order was next: Lemuria, Mu and Australia separated from Asia and at that moment Australia also ripped out from Lemuria and Mu.

At this very point the Papua-New Guinea was born to the North of Australia and the New Zealand to the East from Australia. At this point Australia didn't look like in the map but that I tell you later. 

Again the big Earth quakes commoved underwater broke the Lemuria and Mu. Lemuria went to the North under the tectonic plate and the Mu, where the Atlantis was went east , also under the tectonic plate under new Zealand. The Atlantis is now not findable but when the next Earth timeline starts, it will be found but it takes time hundreds of millions Earth years, there is no reason to search the Atlantis at the moment. 

 Some people try to fill the maps full of continents and that is not OK. The scientists or the interested people should search the oceans...there is much more to find that with nowadays technik the Space.

Copyright Leiah Sariell 2015-

P.S. That is why in Australia are so much sea snakes which also live on land area. They are very venomous but they don't bite humas but use the venom for prey.



The enourmous Eathquakes and Volcano Eruptions were putting the ancient one land into many different pieces and continents. The new Earth moving was heavy to all parts of the Land and there were born the big mountains and the mountain lines. This has lasting hundreds of millions Earth years and that was the last enourmous Land moving in the timeline of this Earth at the moment. 

Copyright Leiah Sariell 2015- 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


The Earth has had several timelines and the "creation" starts again from the beginning. The last destruction before our Earth was billions years before the new creation started.  Before that there was same kind of people as we are and they destroyed the Earth. All the humans, animals, woods all plants constricted in high pressure into fossil fields and oil chambers...also when you look at your diamond it's not any more beaty but someone before you.

All the continents move back to each others and there was only one land and one water the sea(lakes of couse). 

I don't know what caused the destruction of the last timeline of the Earth but I know what will cause it next time. I will tell it to you later. 

Will the human nature ever understand this? When the new Earth once starts are we doing the same mistakes than all timelines before? 

At this timeline there has been 20 homonids before homo sapiens US. All other hominids have lived in peace with the nature and nothing was destroyed when we homo sapiens'is came on the Earth and the destroying started immediately because Homo Sapiens started to make a competition of the smallest thing in the world. This has at the time NOW started with weapon competition. And if we cannot get the Peace on the Earth, I can tell you that USA has Fusion atom bombs whic are 100.000.00 times stronger than they used at the worldwar II there was Fission Atombombs. That will be the destruction of this timeline if they use it and I believe Russia also has it.  

Nobody win everyone loose

That's it!!!

Copyright Leiah Sariell 2015-

I start soon with the Ancient Australia